Casino Night


On Saturday, April 27, 2024, the Saint Agnes Men's Club held its annual Casino Night fundraiser and successfully raised a record-breaking $300,000!

Of the funds raised at Casino Night, presented by Proper Defense Law Corporation, $150,000 came from the 'Fund-a-Need' portion of the evening, alone. 'Fund-a-Need' gives event attendees the chance to give directly to a critical initiative at Saint Agnes Medical Center. This year's 'Fund-a-Need' donations will go towards our soon-to-be expanded Emergency Department. Other funds raised during Casino Night will be allocated to various patient care programs and services throughout the Medical Center.

"We are grateful for the Men's Club's support of our healing mission at Saint Agnes," says Sara K. Frauenheim, Chief Development Officer. "For more than 40 years, they have raised critical funds through their annual fundraising events. As a result of these efforts, they have allocated more than $4 million, directly benefiting patient care programs and services at the Medical Center. We are very fortunate to have them as ambassadors in our community."

The Saint Agnes Men's Club, established in 1983, is celebrating 41 years as a philanthropic organization. In its life span, the Club has raised more than $4 million for the Medical Center.

Thank you to everyone that attended this year's eventCasino Night will be returning in 2025!


Special thanks to our Casino Night 2024 sponsors

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