Care to Share Feedback Program

Delivering the highest quality care with a heart of compassion has been Saint Agnes Medical Center's promise since 1929. It is what we strive to provide every patient, with every encounter. And to make sure we're meeting our goal, we are seeking input from former patients and their loved ones. Who better to advise us about ways to improve the patient experience than the very recipients of our care. Our desire is to not only meet, but exceed the expectations of every person we serve.

That is why we are soliciting input and advice from former patients, family members and the community, through our Care to Share program. We are seeking volunteers to serve as Experience Advisors in one of these capacities:

  • Participate as a member of our Patient and Family Advisory Council
  • Provide feedback in a focus group
  • Review patient education and marketing materials
  • Share about a personal Saint Agnes experience(s)
  • Role play as a patient for staff education

As an Experience Advisor, you will have an opportunity to improve and influence many aspects of the patient care experience:

  • Environment of Care
  • Quality and Safety
  • Communication
  • Processes and Procedures

Experience Advisor Roles

Select which role best fits your area of interest and/or expertise:

  • Patient and Family Advisory Council Committee Member (minimum 1-year commitment required)
    This Council meets monthly and will actively contribute to Saint Agnes Medical Center's continuous improvement efforts in patient experience, safety, quality and education. This Council will help to identify opportunities at Saint Agnes Medical Center to assist with the development of communication and education plans, as well as plans for future program development and physical plant improvements. All efforts are aimed at shaping a culture that embraces patients and the community as true partners in the delivery and environment of healthcare. Members of this Council will work in collaboration and partnership with Saint Agnes Medical Center leadership and staff, the Saint Agnes Medical Center Board, and the Medical Staff to advance this purpose.
  • Focus Group Participant (meets 1-2 times to cover a specific topic)
    Focus Group Participants provide feedback on a personal healthcare experience as a patient or family member as part of an applicable Focus Group Session.
  • Communication Reviewer (periodic requests as needed, usually via email)
    Communication Reviewers review and provide end user’s perspective on draft brochures, patient education materials, websites, policies, newsletters and marketing materials.
  • Experience Sharer
    Experience Sharers provide feedback to professional staff on your own personal healthcare experience as a patient or family member AND/OR participate as a patient or family member for staff simulation trainings.

Become part of our team

If you are interested in volunteering as an Experience Advisor, click below to complete the Care to Share application.

All applicable volunteer requirements will apply, such as formal application, health screening, background check, references and confidentiality forms signed, and regular documentation of time spent volunteering.

Contact Us

For more information about becoming a volunteer Experience Advisor, contact Saint Agnes Service Excellence during regular business hours, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Weekdays, by calling (559) 450-5239, or email