Frequently Asked Questions

- Co-payment (co-pay): A fixed amount that is requested for covered medical services at the time the service is received, as determined by your insurance plan. Example: $50 payment due for each visit to the hospital’s Emergency Department.
- Co-insurance: This refers to the sharing of covered medical expenses by the patient and his or her insurance company. The insurance company pays a certain percentage of covered expenses and the patient pays the remainder.
- Deductible: The part of a patient’s covered medical expenses that the individual must pay each calendar year before the insurance company starts to pay benefits.
- Out-of-pocket responsibility: The amount due based on the defined terms of an individual’s insurance plan. Please read below for a brief explanation of what your out-of-pocket responsibility may include.
- Out-of-pocket maximum: A predetermined, limited amount of money that an individual must pay directly before an insurance company or self-insured employer will pay 100 percent of the individual’s healthcare expenses.
Saint Agnes Medical Center started collecting amounts upfront as a courtesy to our patients to reduce some of the financial worry associated with a hospital visit. This upfront payment will apply towards your total expenses. You will be billed for any remaining balances after insurance pays.
Saint Agnes Medical Center accepts checks, credit cards, debit cards, and cash.
Saint Agnes Medical Center offers flexible financial arrangements to help meet your individual needs. For those who are unable to pay for necessary medical services, every effort will be made to assist you in obtaining help for payment of your medical bills, including the following options:
- Payment plans or patient loans - Patients may pay for services in monthly increments over a period of time.
- State assistance programs - Our team can work with you to see if you qualify for government programs.
- Financial assistance, discounted payments and payment plans - There are programs for patients who are not deemed eligible for state/federal assistance, yet do not have adequate financial resources. After completing a financial evaluation, you may be eligible for financial assistance, discounted payments or a payment plan for services provided to you by Saint Agnes.
If you feel your medical bill balance poses a financial hardship, our team is here to support you in multiple ways:
- Visit the "Help Paying Your Bill" section of our website to see if you are eligible for financial assistance and discount payments.
By phone
- Call Customer Service at 1-866-626-7272 to request a short-term, interest-free payment plan.
- You can email our team at with questions about assistance with your medical bill.
Believing that patients have a right to be informed about their potential financial liability for hospital services, Saint Agnes makes its hospital charges readily available, upon request. You can view our Price Estimator here or call Customer Service at 1-866-626-7272 for more information.
It's important to understand that hospital charges vary bsaed on the type of care being delivered. Prices for the same services can differ from patient to patient, depending on the individual's health condition or other complications.
To request a price estimate or to find out if you qualify for financial assistance or discounted payments, call Customer Service at 1-866-626-7272 to speak with a Benefit Advocate.
Saint Agnes also posts a yearly chargemaster through the California Department of Health Care Access and Information (CDHCAI). You can get more information about Hospital Chargemasters through the CDHCAI website.
Saint Agnes is only responsible for billing and collecting on hospital services. Since physicians are not employed by the hospital, they are required to send separate bills for service. Durable medical equipment and ambulance companies also bill separate from the hospital.
Depending on the services rendered, you may receive a separate bill from one or more medical groups.
If you have any questions, please contact Customer Service at 1-866-626-7272.