Steps to Success

Steps to Success

Bariatric surgery is life-changing and while our care team will be here to help you improve your health, that's only part of what it takes to be successful after surgery. Our team has put together a list of tips that can serve as a guide to help you be successful along your journey to better health.

Tips to help you be successful after bariatric surgery

Food and Eating

  • Take small bites and chew food well to a puree consistency, especially in the first few months.
  • Eat slowly. A meal should take about 30 minutes to complete.
  • Include protein with all meals. Eat protein-rich foods first.
  • Stop eating before you feel full. Overeating will usually lead to vomiting.
  • Eat three meals per day and avoid constant snacking.
  • Only eat when you are hungry and avoid eating on the run.
  • Limit the amount of added fat to no more than three servings per day.
  • Use smaller plates. Smaller dishes will make portions look larger and help from overserving.

Beverages and Drinking

  • Avoid carbonated beverages. The "bubbles" in these drinks can leave you feeling uncomfortable.
  • Drink fluids 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after each meal.
  • Sip fluids slowly. Avoid straws. This will cause unwanted air in your pouch.
  • Avoid drinking high calorie and high fat liquids.
  • Alcohol is discouraged.
Bariatric first step

Thinking About Bariatric Surgery?

Our care team can help determine if surgery is right for you. Whether you're ready to take the first step or just want more information, click below, fill out the form and a member of our care team will contact you.

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