Procedures We Offer

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Weight loss is not simply a matter of adjusting the size of the stomach or the portion of intestine bypassed. Obesity is a complex condition that cannot be treated identically in all patients. Your surgeon will work closely with you to determine which procedure is best for you.

verticalsleevegastrectomy-web.jpgSleeve Gastrectomy

The sleeve gastrectomy is a restrictive surgery that involves permanently removing approximately 80% of the greater curvature of the stomach, in essence creating a "gastric sleeve." Patients lose weight because they reach fullness faster and have a decreased appetite. By maintaining the natural process of stomach emptying, a gastrectomy avoids the problems of malabsorption that can come with a bypass surgery. This operation can be performed as a primary weight loss option or as the first stage of a duodenal switch or gastric bypass. The weight loss and reduction of medical problems with a sleeve gastrectomy are similar to those of a gastric bypass.


  • No malabsorption of nutrients
  • Resolution of medical conditions linked with obesity, such as diabetes and hypertension
  • Less invasive with minimal recovery time
  • Fewer problems with vitamin deficiencies


roux-en-y-gastricbypass-web.jpgRoux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

A Roux-en-Y gastric bypass involves the creation of a small stomach pouch (about the size of a person's thumb). This pouch serves to restrict food intake and allow only a small amount of food to be eaten at one time. The small intestine is then divided about two feet from the stomach. One end is brought up and attached to the stomach pouch, while the other remains connected to the now non-functional stomach remnant. Food is now routed past most of the stomach and the first part of the small intestine.

Patients who choose gastric bypass can lose 70% or more of their excess body weight. Although everyone initially loses weight, approximately 20% will gain some of the weight back. The procedure has had a successful track record for over 20 years. It not only helps patients lose weight but is also beneficial in resolving and/or improving many medical conditions linked to obesity, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).


  • Effective weight loss and maintenance
  • Resolution of medical conditions linked with obesity, such as diabetes and hypertension
  • Less invasive with minimal recovery time
  • Covered by most insurances


Duodenal SwitchDuodenal Switch

Biliopancreatic diversion (or, duodenal switch) is one of the most complex but most effective bariatric surgery options available at Saint Agnes. Typically, the duodenal switch is designed to help people who are living with severe obesity.

The duodenal switch is like a combination of a sleeve gastrectomy—where part of your stomach is removed—and an intestinal bypass. By shortening the path your food travels through your intestines, your body will reduce the amount of food your stomach can hold and reduce the hunger hormones your stomach and small intestine would normally produce.

While this procedure is less commonly performed, patients who choose to undergo a duodenal switch lose on average 80 percent of excess weight over two years. Patients who have a duodenal switch also tend to maintain weight loss, long term. This surgery has a 90 percent success rate for weight loss and has proven effective for helping patients living with other medical conditions linked to obesity, including: Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).


  • High success rate of all bariatric surgery options
  • Greatest overall weight loss reported by patients
  • Improves hunger, metabolism and blood sugar levels over time
  • Resolution of medical conditions linked with obesity, such as Type 2 diabetes
  • Covered by most insurance plans for patients who meet certain criteria