
Clifton van Putten, MD, FASA — Program Director

Clifton van Putten, MD

Dr. Van Putten was born and raised in the Los Angeles area. He is a lifelong tumbleweed and knew from an early age that he was destined to wander. As a teenager, if he wasn’t riding his bike from his home in Inglewood, CA to San Diego, he was hopping a train to Seattle or backpacking around New England. His undergraduate education took place in Durham, NC, Walla Walla, WA, and California—broken up by a teaching stint in Tokyo, Japan. After completing medical school at Harvard, he began his residency training in Boston and finished it in Seattle. It is shocking to those that know him that he has actually stayed put in one place—Fresno, for 28 years. This speaks to the easy livability and deep kindness that permeates this community. It is also a testament to the intangible benefits accrued by loving his job as an Anesthesiologist and supporting a faith-based health ministry at Saint Agnes.


Parisa Rezapoor, MD — Associate Program Director 

Medical School: Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
Residency: Saint Agnes Medical Center, Fresno, CAParisaRezapoorMD

Dr. Rezapoor was born and raised in a middle-class family where her parents and teacher instilled a strong value for education in her. From a young age, she knew she wanted to help people which led her to pursue a medical degree in Iran. After completing medical school, she moved to the US to further her career and training. Dr. Rezapoor enjoys traveling with family, reading books, and hiking in her free time.




Linet R D’Morias, MD — Core Faculty

Residency: Wyckoff Heights Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York Linet R D’Morias

Dr. D’Morias is a core faculty member of the Internal Medicine Residency Program at Saint Agnes Medical Center and the Associate Program Director of the Transitional Year Program. Dr. D’Morias and her physician husband have lived in Fresno since 1990. She graduated from TD Medical College, Kerala, India and completed Internal Medicine residency training at Wyckoff Heights Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York. After completion of her residency, she joined the VA Medical Center in Fresno where she worked in the department of Medicine and the UCSF Fresno Internal Medicine Residency Program as Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine. She trained Internal Medicine Residents who rotated at the VA Medical Center in the inpatient and Ambulatory settings for about 13 years. In 2002, Dr. D’Morias started her Internal Medicine private practice in the community with admitting privileges at Saint Agnes Medical Center. In 2012 she became a full time Hospitalist at Saint Agnes Medical Center and was the Lead Hospitalist for the Vituity Physician Group. Dr. D’Morias is a proud mother of three well accomplished children and the grandmother of two adorable grandchildren. Cooking is her passion and helps her decompress. Her personal philosophy to quote is Ralph Waldo Emerson: "To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children’ to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a better place."


Adam Danielson, MD — Core Faculty

Medical School: Wayne State University School of Medicine
Residency: Saint Agnes Medical Center, Fresno, CA Adam Danielson, MD

Dr. Danielson was born at Saint Agnes Medical Center and was raised here in Fresno, CA. He spent most of his summers riding bikes in Woodward Park and the surrounding fig orchards which has since been constructed into housing developments. Dr. Danielson completed his undergrad at the University of Washington in Seattle, majoring in economics. Shortly after, he started working as an orderly at a hospital in San Diego where he realized he had a true passion for medicine. Dr. Danielson ended up going back East to complete a post-baccalaureate program and eventually ended up at Wayne State University for many years. He spent much of his time overseas and aboard an Aircraft Carrier with flight time in helicopters and F-18s. When Dr. Danielson saw the IM program opening at Saint Agnes, he knew he had to return to his hometown to give back to the community that helped raise him. Dr. Danielson completed his residency training and has since stayed on as GME faculty for both Internal Medicine and Transitional Year Residency Programs. Dr. Danielson is a big fan of the 80s and enjoys spending his free time with his wife and children at home or up in the mountains by Shaver Lake.

Robert Tevendale, MD — Core Faculty

Medical School: University of Iowa
Residency: Kern Medical Center, Bakersfield, CA Robert Tevendale, MD

Dr. Tevendale is one of our inpatient GME hospitalists. As a faculty member, Dr. Tevendale teaches residents in the hospital. With more than 20 years of teaching medical students, Dr. Tevendale also participates in precepting residents in their outpatient primary care clinics. He mentors numerous residents during their three-year residency at Saint Agnes.