What are your minimum score requirements?

We do not have rigid score cutoffs, but interview preference will be given to applicants who have passed the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) or COMLEX steps 1 and 2 on the first attempt.

Do you have a USMLE Step 2 CK (Clinical Knowledge) deadline?

The USMLE Step 2 CK and/or COMLEX 2 must be completed prior to the certification of the Rank Order List (ROL) with the NRMP (National Resident Matching Program) in February of the current match cycle year.

Do you accept International Medical Graduates (IMGs) in your program?

We accept qualified IMGs.

Do you accept Osteopathic Physicians (DOs) in your program?

We accept applicants from osteopathic medical schools.

Is United States (US) clinical experience mandatory for applying to your program?

Preference is given to applicants who have US and/or Canadian clinical experience in the form of direct hands-on rotations. Observerships generally do not fall into the category of US clinical experience, but we will consider all aspects of the application.

Do you have a cutoff date for medical school graduation?

While we do not have a formal cutoff time since medical school graduation, we consider the entire application. If there has been a considerable period since graduation, we will look for evidence of continued clinical experience or formal graduate studies, such as that leading to the MPH, MBA, J. D., or Ph. D.

How many Letters of Recommendation do you require, and do you require a Department Chair letter?

We require applicants to have at least two (2) letters of recommendation from physicians who have worked directly with the applicant in a clinical setting. There is no requirement for a department chair letter. We do, however, require a dean's letter or MSPE (Medical Student Performance Evaluation) from the applicant’s medical school.